Pension sector professionals have been digesting a Supreme Court judgement yesterday in what is being hailed as a possible landmark case. Elaine Turtle, Director at DP Pensions, said: “This brings occupational schemes into line with the Personal Pension market who have paid out to anyone that is financially dependent with the member on death – so same sex couples have always been able to have lump sum death benefits. I am surprised it has taken so long for these types of schemes to move with the times.”
All posts by Mark Whybrew
Adviser Business Review article – Effects of Annual Allowance tapering for high earners
Elaine Turtle, Director, DP Pensions presents an example of client confusion that can still surround annual allowance tapering.
FP Today article – SIPP body reveals trio of lifetime members and new chair
The industry body representing SIPP and SSAS providers has handed out a trio of Honorary Lifetime Memberships.
Elaine Turtle, Director at DP Pensions, has been awarded Honorary Lifetime Membership in recognition of her service to AMPS over many years.
The Association of Member-Directed Pension Schemes has also announced its new chairman and committee members.
Retirement Planner article: Cold Calling – the hot topic
Whether or not pensions cold-calling is banned, it is vital providers and advisers work together to help educate consumers on the dangers of chasing unrealistically high returns, says Elaine Turtle of DP Pensions.
Retirement Planner article – All I want from the Autumn Statement is…
Elaine Turtle, Director at DP Pensions, and other industry experts outline their wish list for the Autumn Statement.
Professional Paraplanner article – Case study: This SSAS was in ‘a bit of a mess’
Elaine Turtle, Director at DP Pensions, tells how a self-administered scheme threatened to leave a family disadvantaged when the father died.
FP Today article – FCA changes for SIPP providers branded ‘nonsense’
Changes that SIPP providers are being told to make to their illustration systems are ‘nonsensical’, says Elaine Turtle, Director at DP Pensions.
Retirement Planner article – Elaine Turtle: Hands off our pension system unless…
Elaine Turtle, Director at DP Pensions, believes politicians should stop meddling with the pension system – although, if there absolutely has to be a change, some form of simplification of the tax relief system could work.
Retirement Planner article – Rules change… but SIPPs are here to stay
Now capital adequacy rules for SIPP providers have changed, the market may well see some more consolidation. But don’t expect it to come from primary operators, writes Elaine Turtle, Director at DP Pensions.
SIPPs Professional article – Faster state pension age rise floated amid triple lock axe call
Elaine Turtle, Director at DP Pensions, comments on the state pension as former Pensions Minister Ros Altmann called for the triple lock to be scrapped.