DP Pensions Ltd


This section of our website is designed to give information on the main rules that govern the pension schemes that we administer. It covers funding your pension scheme (ie money in), what you can do with those funds once they are in the scheme (ie investments) and what can be paid out of the scheme (ie member benefits and death benefits).

Downloadable information booklets can be found in our Literature section along with the accompanying forms. 

Please use the navigation tools to the left of this page to access the areas that you would like to know more about.

We hope that you find the information contained in this section useful. If you want to talk any of it through with us then please do not hesitate to contact us.

The information contained in this section is based on our understanding of current legislation, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) rules and practice, and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulations and guidance. Legislation, rules, practice and regulation may change in the future.

Money In ›